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Post 15 made on Saturday November 4, 2006 at 13:38
Lurking Member
November 2006
(my solution is further below because this didn't work for me):

(I can't link to ATI-AMD support files so if you need the files go to and click on TV TUNER->Remote Wonder link for the file links to mfc71.dll and msvcr71.dll) Also, all old MMC software is available on the site. 9.15 encoder will not work if you have an Nvidia GeForce card like me so you'll have to use 9.14... Or if you prefer, some of the older stuff probably works better...

737-22118 : Error 1904 *.dll failed to register messages with Remote Wonder Software Installation

The information in this article applies to the following configuration(s):
Remote Software Version 3.03
System without Catalyst Control Center or ATI Multimedia Center
Windows XP, Windows Media Center Edition 2005
The following error messages may occur when installing Remote Wonder Software 3.03 without Catalyst Control Center or ATI Multimedia Center installed.

Error 1904 x10net.dll failed to register
Error 1904 ATIRW.dll failed to register
Error 1904 AtiSServ.dll failed to register
To workaround this copy these files and perform the following steps:

Uninstall the ATI Remote Software from Add/Remove Programs
Restart the system.
Copy the files mfc71.dll and msvcr71.dll to C:\Windows\System32 folder
Reinstall the ATI Remote 3.03 software.
To ensure you are notified of updates to this article, please register your product. Once the product has been registered and you have an ATI CustomerCare account, click "sign-in" in the top right hand corner to log into your account, then click "subscribe to topic" on the right side of the article to be notified of updates to the article.


737-18838: ATI Multimedia Center 9.06 or higher - "ATIMMC.exe encountered a problem and needs to close" error message when launching application

The information in this article applies to the following configuration(s):
ATI Multimedia Center 9.06 or higher
REMOTE WONDER Software version 2.5.x or earlier
As of ATI Multimedia Center 9.06, REMOTE WONDER software version 3.0 or higher is required. Should you have an earlier version of the REMOTE WONDER software installed on your system, the following error message may occur:

"ATIMMC.exe encountered a problem and needs to close."

To correct this issue, install the latest version of REMOTE WONDER Software, available for download from the ATI Customer Care website.


Well, I have XP SP2 and I have an ATI HDTV wonder and the new version 3.04 software from ATI's website wouldn't work.

I got the error message (just like everyone else near the end of the install)...

Error 1904.Module C:\Program Files\ATI Multimedia\RemCtr\ATIRW.DLL failed to register. HRESULT -2147220473. Contact your support personnel.

I did figure out the answer though and I finally fixed it so I figured I'd contribute to the community here just in case anyone was still interested and found this useful. I did not find this fix anywhere on the net and the information that is available has been incorrect thus far. This works however.

The x10net.dll file FAILS to register during the install because of read-only permissions on the registry keys that are created! Turns out that one or a few of the registry keys created by the install program have a permissions bug in which they are read-only despite the fact that my user account has admin privileges on my computer so I was scratching my head as to why this occurred but it did.

WARNING: BEFORE DOING ANYTHING IN THE REGISTRY, MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP YOUR REGISTRY FILE JUST IN CASE AND/OR DO A RESTORE POINT ON YOUR MACHINE USING SYSTEM RESTORE. TO Backup your registry, go to START->RUN and type in regedit and then go to the File menu and choose EXPORT and save the registry using a name you can remember in a location that is easy to find. (like the root of C: just in case you need to restore it)....

FIX FOR ATI HDTV REMOTE WONDER V3.04 (latest version found on AMD-ATI site)

In any case, the fix is that you need to find those keys and change their permissions and then after that's done, you need to run the following command at the START->Run prompt:

regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\ATI Multimedia\RemCtrl\x10net.dll"

If you receive a failure notice to register the dll, go into regedit and search for "X10COMMAND" and you will find a bunch of keys grouped together as shown below that are all READ ONLY.

Here are the keys I changed permissions to FULL CONTROL on on my currently logged in username (you must have admin status to change permissions in the first place though so make sure the account you are logged in on has administrator privileges first -- if not, log in using the admin account or another account that does have those permissions)...



You'll know they are read only because you right click and go to Permissions and you'll see that you need to change them to "FULL CONTROL". Make sure however that you change them to FULL CONTROL but on either your account or the Administrators/Admins USER ACCOUNT (just make sure you're an admin and in this group). i.e. Select your username on the permission screen to match your current login and then click the checkbox next to FULL CONTROL.

Go through all keys shown above and change them to FULL CONTROL on your user account or the admin user account as long as you're an admin and then exit the registry editor and then try to register the DLL again using the above command and once it goes through, make sure your USB receiver is UNPLUGGED, and then either log out/log in or reboot your machine. Then plug in your USB receiver and walla!, you should see the ATI REMOTE WONDER TRAY icon and your remote should now work properly!

As for ATI's software, I got version 9.15 working by wiping my system of all the old software by using add/remove to remove all the entries I could including DAO (some would not remove however) and then manually deleting all directories under program files related to ATI (ATI Multimedia and ATI Technologies) and then using a registry cleaner (ABEXO free registry cleaner off to clean out all the remaining ATI registry related entries.

Then I rebooted and installed per ATI's instructions in this exact order,

1) the DAO file v 9.15,
2) then the DVD Decoder file 9.15 -- you need your original cd in the drive to install the decoder,
3) then the ENCODER file v9.14 (9.15 would not install on my machine because it didn't like my Nvidia Display adapter and would give an error saying I didn't have the right hardware/software for the install-- so I had to use the MAY 2006 9.14 encoder file instead which you can find on the support site since they have all the BACK drivers available for download)
4) then the 9.15 MMC
5) And then LAST I installed the 3.04 Remote Wonder Software using the permissions fix detailed above.

Sometimes the TV tuner will still crash once in awhile however I have gotten everything working fairly stable now. ATI DVD won't work for some reason. Splash comes up and then exits. So instead I programmed the "A" button to load Intervideo WinDVD which works great anyways and is still controllable with the remote! Not sure if the Easylook is working 100% properly with my primary nvidia adapter but as long as I can control the TV and Intervideo with the remote along with the basic volume, channel, and DVR functions, I'm happy. It's not perfect and this software could be WAAAY better. Also, my hard drive is slow and so it causes jittery playback sometimes. Says DMA isn't on, but I'm pretty sure it is. If everything crashes, it's most likely because you need to wait till the end to install the 3.04 remote wonder software and/or you didn't remove the old ATI installs properly to begin with -- absolutely have to delete all add/remove entries and old directories manually and use a reg cleaner. The USB driver tends to crash everything. Had to reboot an extra time since the receiver hung the system the first time I put it back in after all the installs but then it worked fine.

Hope this helps someone.
Take care and thank g-d for the net eh?

-One Big Yahoo (Shame on ATI for not fixing this issue and their time consuming and flaky software! Good hardware and crappy software = crappy everything!!! I'll be looking for a better HDTV tuner soon -- hopefully a better company with better programmers who actually beta test properly before releasing garbage!)

Last edited by Yahoo on November 5, 2006 14:31.

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