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Post 4 made on Monday March 1, 2004 at 09:11
Long Time Member
February 2004
Hi Robin

You are not being completely fair, Philips is not really to blame for the $ to bee historically low…

However I don’t think it will be easy for you to get a company to ship it to you, either they don’t ship international ore they want a wire transfer from your bank ore something else. These days with the apparent credit card fraud going on the internet shops ere acting very paranoid.
So good luck with buying it overseas.

You can however just use a standard charger, and it will work. But TSU7000 uses different freq than the RU980 will be using, hens the TSU7000 is not approved for use in EU.

I also live in the UK and I own a TSU7000 and it works very well, I have not experienced any EU things it couldn’t control.

Final an advise, don’t download the pronto edit program and begin programming while you wait for your remote to arrive, and use the RU980 as the template. Because it will not work with the TSU7000 remote…I tried.



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