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Post 20 made on Tuesday April 13, 2004 at 18:51
Long Time Member
March 2004

I'm a bit confused by your fix here.

Example: on my 7000, I have a button that I want to use to dim a light. So I press that button, and under that button is a macro that links to say light 1, then dim, dim, dim, etc. (these codes are under different buttons on different pages)

It doesn't work. The light will only dim a tiny bit, much like the behavior you described in your earlier posts.

Are you saying the only way to make this work is to create a button with the IR codes themselves pasted in 12 times in a row under a button? (Which I assume one could then link to).

E.g.: instead of a macro that was like this:

-link to A1
-Link to dim
-Link to dim... etc

it would be


Thanks in advance,


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