From the codes Martin emailed to me, it appears there is a problem in the editor or firmware. I only have a TS1000 to which I added a 310MHz RF transmitter so I have no experience with the new editor or the NG firmware.
It appears to be recognizing some of the X-10 codes as NEC1 but then screws up the translation. All of the X-10 RF codes are NEC1 but sent as 310MHz or 433MHz RF depending on locale.
Can someone give me a succinct explanation of the 900B notation? Specifically, 900B 006D 0001 06F919E6 which is the (mis)translation of the "A DIM" RF code.
What is the third word, 0001?
The first two bytes of the code (06F9) are correct but the bit order is reversed from the way I would write them - this may be the way Philips stores them. The final two bytes (19E6) should be 8877 or 7788 depending on bit order.
Anyone contacting Philips about this should probably not mention X-10 RF and just complain that NEC1 codes are being screwed up by the new firmware or editor. An NEC1 code is an NEC1 code regardless of its target.