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Post 1 made on Monday January 30, 2006 at 03:26
Long Time Member
October 2004
I currently have a Pronto 940 (not sure what the American version is).

Whilst I'm pretty happy with it I'm thinking of upgrading to a 950/3000.

The only reason for this is that I like the idea of the hard buttons for cursor/select and the 4 function buttons (equiv to Red/Green/Yellow/Blue).

At present I have to create these as soft buttons which works fine but more or less takes up the screen just on their own.

If I was starting afresh, I wouldn't have any worries about getting a 950/3000, but since I already have a 940 which I will lose money on if I sell I'd like to be comfortable that the upgrade is worth it.

So my questions are

(i) Battery life - I have limited funds, so I would be looking at a 950/3000 without docking station. What's battery life like on these. I've read posts saying that it is bad but I also note that Philips claim to have released new firmware that improves on this.

(ii) Are there any outstanding niggles - speed, backlight etc that have not been resolved by the latest firmware upgrades.

Thanks for the help,


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