On 11/29/04 19:23 ET, wizman44 said...
Long time reader (4 years) 1st post. I also would
like to thank you and many others for posting
your hard work for hobbyists like myself to learn
and benefit from. I'm a bit short on eyesight
and am interested in your "alternate" PCF with
9 jackets displayed instead of 16, which I have
trouble seeing. I'll watch for the link!
Sorry for taking so long to post the other version of my file. I have been out of the loop for the past few months. I zipped the .pcf file by the way as some in the past have had problems downloading the .pcf file directly.
(To download hit up the link in my signature area below.)This is the latest version of my pcf file which uses 9 DVD cover images per page instead of 16 per page. The small DVD jacket covers are much easier to see as a result. There are many more DVD submenu pages included now as well as the latest firmware supports all 32 megs in the remote. I am currently up to 1084 DVD covers, not including the DVD submenu pages. With the latest firmware installed I still have 33% memory free. Enjoy!
Last edited by Lowpro
on March 17, 2006 22:32.