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Post 126 made on Friday December 3, 2004 at 05:29
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March 2004
On 12/02/04 22:33 ET, Griffin_Canada said...
Hi Lowpro,

Very nice .pcf file!

I did take the covers and ran them through an
optimization program and was able to drop the
file size by 50%. They still look just as good
as the original but a lot smaller size. Should
be able to run better and take up a lot less room
on your Pronto.

If you like I can upload them if you like.


What you are seeing there is a result of the editor and how it saves the .pcf file. All the small DVD cover images for instance in my .pcf file were imported as 5k images. The larger full page pics were 77k in size as imported. If you look inside the saved .pcf file you'll notice they appear much larger, the size they were as 24 bit images before I converted them to 256 color and imported them into PPENG. You are still getting the space savings in the remote however, even though the file sizes of these bitmaps appear much larger inside the .pcf file.

I would take a look at the free memory left in the remote again with your optimized version of my file. I doubt any additional free space is being aquired in the remote as a result. The size of the .pcf file may be dramatically smaller, I have done this myself, but the free space left in the remote still remains the same.


This message was edited by Lowpro on 12/03/04 05:37 ET.
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