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Post 63 made on Monday August 30, 2004 at 00:44
Long Time Member
March 2004
This is quite the amazing thread you have here. I have a couple of questions if you have a minute to share.

I am thinking of purchasing the Sony CX777ES, since the Kenwood 5900M will not play DVD-R's and I have many DVD-R home movies. But my first question is if you know if Sony will be coming out with a new player soon and should we wait at this point.

However my main question focuses on the use of the Fireball DVDM-100 vs the Pronto TSU7000 setup you describe, coupled with issues regarding your use of DVD Profiler. As you are aware, other apps such as DVD Lobby do a similar thing. First could you comment on your use of DVD Profiler compared to DVD Lobby? And, if possible, although expensive the DVDM-100 seems to provide a very attractive solution for on-screen DVD management. Do you think the Pronto solution is as effective?

Thanks ahead for our inputs.

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