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Post 52 made on Thursday July 15, 2004 at 16:11
Long Time Member
July 2004
Ouch! Sorry to hear you had to recreate all those macros ;(. I’m going to do some serious testing on a couple macros before I do this for all the slots in my changer. I wish I could copy and paste between the two versions of ProntoEdit (I have a TSU3000), but I learned a lot just from looking at your config.

I’ve noticed that my dvd changer is somewhat finicky responding to IR commands. It seems to take a moment after hitting stop before it accepts the next IR signal (even if I use the Sony remote that it came with).

Also, have you found your changer to have a limited IR range? It seems that with mine, if I’m at too much of an angle it doesn’t get the IR command. My receiver, on the other hand, seems to respond to IR signals from a much wider area of the room.

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