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Post 5 made on Sunday November 2, 2003 at 02:20
Lurking Member
October 2003
many thanks

I followed your advice, bought a router/WAP in one device and now the iPronto is connected to my net.

I could'nt though connected to the internet.

As I read from Philips ipronto help site, I can use as an Router my PC if it has the Internet sharing enabled.

I have to remind you that I have ISDN internet connected with a USB cable from the modem to the PC.
This PC has enabled the Internet sharing within the windows as the help site mentions.

Do I have to look to something else?

I was thinking to connect this PC which has the direct internet access to the Router's port of the DLS line.
I have connected it now to a Router's one of the 4 normal lan connections. Thats how my other PCs (connected to the old switch) had internet access.

daniel please I would like some feedback on that.
many thanks for your advice

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