Standalone HD DVD players have always been outselling SAL Blu-Ray players since day one. And as far as I know that hasn't changed. With the big sale the other day it has probably increased.
As for the CDRINFO link The VP did say he was looking at everything. But the only thing I found directly was not a quote from the VP:
"Warner's possible decision to support Blu-ray over HD DVD could have a major impact on the high-def disc format war. Without Warner, HD DVD's catalogue would only include titles from two studios."
Whichever way Warner goes could very well decide the format war. It would severly cripple the format that loses their catalog titles. Warner is doing better than the other studios right now and making money off both sides. Until they commit to one side it is all just speculation.
This quote from Silverberg tells me the format that sells the most players will get their support: "But now that hardware pricing is affordable for both Blu-ray and HD DVD, it appears consumers no longer want to decide ? so the notion of staying in two formats for the duration is something we are re-evaluating now that we are in the fourth quarter," Silverberg added, according to Home Media Magazine."
It will be interesting to see what happens between now and Christmas.