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Post 120 made on Friday September 7, 2007 at 09:51
Stealth X
Senior Member
November 2005
On September 4, 2007 at 22:32, phil said...
Boy, you had me 'til this statement showed up.

ME TOO! after reading that i fealt as though he decieved me into reading his endless ranting threads throwing arounds all kinds of specs that are now obviously just being made up as he goes along.

the player he has been ranting endlessly about is a hypothetical HTPC....??? WHAT A JOKE!

well with this recent shift in power combined with a $200 player being made available for Xmas would lead me to believe that HD-DVD is on the rise. i can well imagine someone around here will feel pretty silly if they win out in the end. have you even considered this scenario Anthony?

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