On August 28, 2007 at 23:27, Eastside A/V said...
I am becoming more and more convinced on a daily basis
that HD-DVD could become the dominant player this holiday
season. I have had 2 customers choose to upgrade/sidegrade
from the Denon DVD1730/1740, to the entry level toshiba
HDA2 in the last 3 days. They are fully aware that there
are no gaureentee's that it will become the winning format
but don't care as they are about equal on net price at
this point (when you factor in 5 free movies with the
Toshiba), and they can watch recorded HD content.
If this is any indication, as well as the fact that costco
is selling them like hotcakes, I feel like we are looking
at an HD-DVD christmas for the masses.
I would put my money on the choice being made by whateveer the hell Costco & WalMart decide to whore out this season as the final deciding factors.