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Post 118 made on Thursday September 6, 2007 at 01:25
Eastside A/V
Select Member
September 2006
On September 5, 2007 at 19:43, Anthony said...
Alan: I might have been too hard on Eastside A/V maybe
he did get over excited and thought it would be a product
he would feel comfortable installing without looking...

Not really sure where you were going with this, but for what its worth I am not the least bit offended, I do believe HD-DVD will probably win out in the mass market this holiday season based on price (and price alone), unless the Blu-ray camp matches the HD-DVD hardware prices.

If that makes me a fan great, but other then hating SONY in general (yes I'm Biased), I'd be happy to buy a Pioneer Elite or even a samsung Blu-ray player without a second thought if the price were around $200 (and this from someone who does not yet own an HD capable TV)...for me having multiple players is just fine. I will have to have an extra player for my DVD-Audio and SACD Discs anyways.
Bryan Levy
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