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Post 88 made on Sunday August 26, 2007 at 23:31
Long Time Member
December 2004
On August 25, 2007 at 15:21, Anthony said...
how did you prove me wrong. Spend the week do some searching
do you think a misinformed note in an article about a
receiver is proof. I told you, I am giving you one week
while I am away for you to be less ignorant and find out
for yourself that there actually is at least one player
that does do it.

I don't need a week. I have read all I need to on the subject. I will say it one more time. There are no players currently on the market capable of encoding DTS-HD MA. DTS-HD HR and MA playback is limited to the DTS-HD Core, which delivers 1.5Mbps DTS Surround, but is unable to deliver the full encoded data.
Again, name just one player!!!

I also pointed you to the new Toshibas
that will be out soon that do transmit DTS-HD MA as well
as DTHD that make those notes even more ridiculous. Since
there are players that will be sending out compressed
and then the receiver will need to decompress it (the
authors point)

I am aware of the new Toshiba coming soon. It is not out yet. That means not current. By the way, my Toshiba XA-2 does DolbyTrue HD now. Not soon. But now. You are showing your ignorance again.

well then you musty be an idiot since all you do is come
here and post BS and marketing for HD DVD

You call me an idiot? And a liar, fanboy, con man and other choice words. You said this about Alan Bell's interview:

"none of it remotely true and none of it into the reason they went HD DVD exclusive wich were illigal bribes. 150M$ to be exact"

You said this about the Home Theater review of the Onkyo receiver, which mentioned DTS-HD MA:

"I don't know if they are liars, misinformed, or just out of date or could just be the guy was talking about the value of DTS-HD (and DTHD) decoding in the receiver and just added a useless comment."

You are the most belligerent, obnoxious FUD spreader I have ever tried to reason with. Anyone (not just me) that gets in the way of you spreading your BS gets put in a less than desirable category. My guess is you are a 13 year old, as evidenced by your incoherent sentences and constant misspelling of the simplest words.

Responding to queries on the payment report, Paramount released a statement saying: “The reason we made this decision is simple. After a year of fully experiencing and exploring both formats, we decided to exclusively support HD DVD because of the quality, value and potential the format offers. Beyond that, whenever we conduct co-marketing, production deals or other agreements, we never discuss business terms.”

Paramount spent a year with both formats. They chose HD DVD.

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