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Post 78 made on Saturday August 25, 2007 at 10:54
Ultimate Member
May 2001
For the record, aside from a couple articles that claim "anonymous executives" told them of a $150 mil bribe, there is ZERO proof that money changed hands.

so except for evidence like the amount and time frame given by someone discussed by the illegal activity there is no proof :)

A Microsoft VP and Paramount's CTO have both categorically denied any financial incentive was given. The $150 million, at this point, is simply a figment of Blu-ray's imagination.

And I guess if you ask a robber or a murderer if they did it you also expect them to say yes they did?

And give it up about the "illigal" (sic) bribes - even if this did happen, it's not illegal!

it is illegal. Go check out the antitrust rules and SEC laws. It would actually brake several laws.

in essence the two family of laws are
1) antitrust: A company is not allowed to give money or incentives with the agreement of exclusivity
2) SEC: A company is not allowed to make "bad" business decisions based on external factors that are not part of their regular business. (i.e. bribes are not part of regular business and so a business decision based on that is illegal because it could hurt investors if it costs Paramount some business -and it costs them their whole BD business)

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