the leadin - 0157 00AC followed by 32 data bits, followed by the leadout - 0015 0689
They all have the same two-bit repeat burst, even though some buttons repeat and some do not.
I had no idea whether the leadin and leadout portions of they body should be included for _each_ of the two strings I wanted to concatenate, or not. So I built four sets of codes, then downloaded them for testing.
The first set looked like this:
0000 006D 0044 0002 0157 00AC Aspect Body 0015 0689 0157 00AC Digit Body 0015 0689 0157 0056 0015 0E94
which is the full body (including standard leadin and leadout) for each of the two strings, followed by the standard repeat burst.
The second set looked like:
0000 006D 0044 0002 0157 00AC Aspect Body 0015 0E94 0157 00AC Digit Body 0015 0689 0157 0056 0015 0E94
which is the same as the first, except I increased the length of the leadout on the _first_ string to that of the longer leadout used on the repeat burst, in order to provide more time between the two strings in case it might be needed.
The third set was just like the first, except I removed the repeat burst as you mentioned, John, that it might not be needed:
0000 006D 0044 0000 0157 00AC Aspect Body 0015 0689 0157 00AC Digit Body 0015 0689
The fourth set was like the second (longer leadout), again with the repeat burst removed.
The results were these: All of the sets worked fine. They performed exactly like the two documented discretes that do exist (TW1 and Full). But there were some differences between the sets, having to do with repeating.
The first set did not repeat with the button held down. The second set and the fourth set both performed the desired function, then (if the button was held down) rapidly repeated *just the Aspect portion*, so that the aspect rapidly advanced from one setting to the next, as long as the button was held. I find this strange, as the second set includes the repeat burst, and the fourth set does not.
The third set repeated like sets two and four, except that it would advance two steps, then return to the programmed step, and repeat the cycle. i.e. if pressing the Aspect-1 button, it would repeat the cycle 1-2-3, whereas sets two and four, if pressing the Aspect-3 button for example would repeat the cycle 3-4-0-1-2.
The normal Aspect command does not repeat at all, but if it is pressed repeatedly while the Aspect display is on-screen, it steps to the next aspect on each press and cycles through, like sets two and four above, though obviously not as rapidly.
I have no idea why they behave this way, though I'm sure you gurus can figure it out. Is there any reason to prefer one over the others? If not, I'll just use set one, as I can see no reason for needing repeats on this command.
But for all intents and purposes, these function exactly as discretes for each of the aspects, which I find very pleasing. I haven't yet tried this with the input selections, but I'm sure they will work just as well. And I suspect that these will also work fine on other models of Toshiba TVs.