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Post 14 made on Tuesday August 15, 2006 at 12:43
Founding Member
July 2001
I am sure if you hopped on a plane and went to the URC corporate offices and told them what there situation was they would be happy to help you out. I would probably be easier to do that than find that long lost receipt. I can't believe that they are not providing the updatable software using the serial number registration. They must believe we all have nothing better to do than spend hours searching for receipts and trying to remember which vendor we purchased from. I have four home theater set ups in my house and have helped friends set up over a dozen others. All have utilized URC remotes. I would be hard pressed to determine where each of the components I purchased came from let alone try to locate the receipts.

URC give us a break, PLEASE. If what you are saying about your policy decision is true, there should be no reason not to provide the updatable software from your website via the serial number route. All of my remotes have serial numbers.

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