LuvMyRemote said...
A Future version will have support for multiple
changers and of multiple brands. The front end
will be a single fluid list of movies, so there
will be no noticable difference between changers.
When you select a movie, you will be taken to
the corresponding controls for that changer. Coding
has already begun for this feature, I cant give
a date as to when it will be available. BUT it
is in the works.
Right On! I can't wait to get my fingers on this masterpiece. I also think the addition of a Favorites list is huge. One thing you may want to think about is providing "favorites" via several categories (i.e. "Kids" "Action/Adventure" "Comedy" "Drama" etc.).
One of the coolest features of the Kaleidescape is the ability to search the data base in real time by almost any category (genre, director, actors, etc.). I see no way of doing that in a MX-3000 but then again, I couldn't even come close to doing what you've already done. The (admittedly hair brain) idea might be to capture the genre tag from DVD Profiler as part of the import for each DVD. Assuming that there is a way to use the "variables" feature (or the "dynamic" feature, which I still can't figure out), you might be able to use a "press" command to bring up a static "favorites list" for that genre and a "press and hold" command tore-sort the data base via genre tags. {I can dream can't I?}
Like I said, I don't see how that would be possible (at least in real time) without having a search engine running on the MX-3000 and dynamic (versus static) pages. However, subject to the memory/capacity limitations of the MX-3000 you might be able to do the genre sorting via DVD Profiler and then import those sorts as additional pages similar to the Alpha Key process you've already created. Okay, sorry. I haven't even used your program and I'm offering up crazy ideas. I guess that's the magic of the internet.
Keep up the great work. I think you're on the verge of building a killer app.
[email protected]