I also just downloaded 2.4.1 and same issue. How is it that you are supposed to import an XCF file?
I'd be willing to share a PEP2 file that I'm trying to use here.
When I try dropping a PEP2 file into the import tab (After reading help), I get parse exception on line -1 - No Modules Present.
I do know that the scripts in my current config file, may have some CDATA wrappers present. Not sure if that would cause issues.
My current
XCF is also over 10MB in size.
The java on my system is 32 bit v1.8.0_162-b12 (Hotspot Build 25.162-b12 mixed mode, sharing)
Let me know if you'd like to troubleshoot.
Edited to change PCF to XCF
Last edited by Lyndel McGee on October 23, 2024 18:19.