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Post 1 made on Saturday July 13, 2024 at 18:39
King of typos
Loyal Member
June 2002
I didn't know what to put for a topic exactly. But here goes for what happened. This is my personal internet.

26 months with xfinity now. The first 24 I had an xfinity modem set up in bridge mode. As I used my own router. The package was "Blast! Internet" In February 2024, they upgraded my area to have 100MBps upload with no change to my pricing. And I received that speed. Both via ethernet and wifi.

However, at the 2 year mark. I had changed from an xfinity modem in bridge mode to a customer own modem, Brand new Arris SB8200. The router and wifi had not changed. It was just a modem swap.

Now this is where I don't know when the upload speed changed. Was it with the modem swap or was it with the internet package swap? "Fast Internet" is what I have now. However, it maxes out at 25 to 30MBps upload. Both ethernet and wifi. Even directly plugged into the modem, in either port. (My modem has the ability to have two internet services from one coax. With two different IP addresses. But I can only plug into one at a time right now. Either upper or lower upon reboot. It won't let me swap while it's on.)

Both internet packages are advertised with upload speeds of up to 100MBps. Obviously I am aware that the download speeds had changed. I believe the Blast was 800 while the current Fast is 500. Either one my actual speed was 150MBps above what I was supposed to get. So Blast was 950 while Fast is 650.

I am wondering if my modem is bad or if they had slowed my upload on their end because I have a customer own modem. By the way, why I waited 2 years to get my own, is because the first 2 year the xfinity modem was included.


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