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Post 1 made on Monday June 17, 2024 at 17:51
Junior Member
June 2024
Following a thorough dusting of my AV components I discovered that my remote was no longer working. Upon further investigation, I found the MRF-350RFS and RFX-250 Power and RF lights constantly blinking. I don't think it is a signal interference issue since they both are continuously blinking at a contstant rate.

I've tried recycling power and can't find any loose connections (although with all the cables in the cabinet that may still be the issue).

My TV still partially works with the cable service provider's remote (power & channels but not volume, which only works manually from the Integra unit) but the main URC MX780 doesn't respond. Note: The Integra unit does have a "Movie/TV" learning button - do I have to reprogram something?

I get no flashes on the remote sensors when using the remote although they are in the correct position as far as I know (I knocked one of them off while cleaning on an earlier incident).

Any suggestions - other than the obvious one of stop trying to clean the unit... ?


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