Ernie!...Finally someone else who actually values grammar!
Do you too cringe at the hideous use of there, their and they're.....or discrete and discreet!.......why does my brain always see these mistakes?!
Seriously though dvd, I believe grammar mistakes on a CV might be seen as:
If the potential candidate can't get the grammar correct on something as serious as their employment then how much care and attention will they give on the job?
Maybe an old fashioned view but why take the risk? Get it checked if you haven't already!
I'd agree that the statement 'I believe I am the best project manager in the world' has to go.
Not sure why, but to me this sounds a bit like trying to pick up a girl by trying to convince her you're the best bloke at picking up girls!!
Good luck with the employment - I hope you've got something by now - it looks like you have a load of experience and very passionate about what you do?
Everyone here is giving great constructive advice which I know you won't take any offense too as I can see from your CV 'you have a great sense of humour!' ;-)
Last edited by cmo on October 23, 2010 16:47.