Count on me for writing or grammar --
Designed, sold, installed and troubleshoot all types of....
After you write smething, read it out loud VERY CAREFULLY and slowly, ensuring that you do not leave out a single word, ensuring that if a word is missing, you don't automatically add it in. Pretend it's the script for a science film or something, and listen for things that don't sound right.
For instance, "designed, sold" are in the past, but "troubleshoot" is present tense. This sentence would most simply be corrected as "Designed, sold, troubleshooted..." What the heck is the past of troubleshoot? At any rate, if you had read this out loud, or had someone else read it, you might have noticed that the sentence takes a sharp turn at that word.
"Best in the world" should definitely go. I sometimes make mistakes, and I would not want to hire someone who trumpets that he's better than me... 'cause I know I'm not the best in the world. If you're better than me, I'll find out and promote you. If you say that and EVER screw up, you're dog meat.