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Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000
Submitted by:
David Shaw
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File Rating:
100% (1 vote)
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Contest Entry #25: Black Lightning
I decided to do something a little different on this PCF! You will find very few buttons that are ovals, circles or rectangles. Each type of button has its own unique shape and shading. Most of the text is on a curve to match its button. Almost every button is semi transparent to some degree using the PNG alpha-transparency. Most buttons have a pressed and released state. The pressed and released buttons are interchangeable, so you could change the color scheme of the PCF by changing these two buttons around.

There are sequences of lightning strikes that can be "animated" into your macros, so it looks like a lightning storm when the macro runs. The cursor buttons are both on the screen and the hard buttons.
Updated:March 11, 2004
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