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Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000
Submitted by:
John Sollecito
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Contest Entry #11: OS 2k4.0 Pro
This design is straight forward and flexible and takes advantage of the advanced graphics capability of the TSU7000. The interface was designed to be user friendly for all who may use it. In most cases, each component has one screen containing the most used buttons that keeps ‘screen flipping’ to a minimum. Furthermore, the user can switch from any component to another from any screen in the interface. For example, if you are watching TV and want to switch to the DVD, all you need to do is tap the DVD icon on the top of the page and the TSU7000 will turn off the TV and switch on all components needed to watch a DVD.

What makes this design unique is the presence of the ‘splash’ screens. Splash screens are the ‘animated’ screens that appear while the TSU7000 is performing a lengthy macro. For example, when the TSU7000 is sending the commands to turn on a component, there are many steps it needs to perform. In the 5-7 seconds this takes to complete, this interface will flash through screens updating the user on the status of the task.

NOTE: All hard keys will be used to control VOL+/-, CH+/-,MUTE and DIRECTION PAD for each component interface.

The first screenshot is of the home screen, which starts each new session. All components available in the home theater can be turned on from here. The home screen allows for personalization. The actual home theater that is being controlled can be inserted as the background.

The second shot is of a ‘splash screen’ that appears while the TSU7000 is performing the task of turning on the DVD. Since this is not an immediate process, the ‘splash screens’ were inserted to make the process more fluid and update the user on the status.

The third shot is of the DVD interface. The interface was designed to present the most used buttons on one page, which will keep ‘page flipping’ to a minimum. Also, notice the Switch Device template at the top of the screen. This allows the user to switch to any of the controlled components while using the DVD player. This template appears at the top of all control pages within the interface. If need be, this interface can be expanded to more than one page. This is true for all of the control pages within the interface.

Finally we have the favorites page within the DirecTV interface. This page allows the user to setup a graphical one-touch button to their favorite channels. This is expandable to allow as many icons as desired and can even be edited to show a categorization of channels in addition to favorite choices.
Updated:March 11, 2004
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