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Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000
Submitted by:
Brad Liston
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Brad Liston's Layout
There are three ways to use this remote; an ultra-simple home page, a more detailed Activities page, and a comprehensive Devices page. X-10 and Insteon lighting control are provided. Hard buttons are used throughout, including a universal home button and a "Set the mood" scene button available from anywhere. Also there is a hard-button rose for each device. Some of the Denon receiver functionality is not finished, largely because I don't understand some functions of the receiver. If someone would like to colaborate on finishing the 3806 design, please let me know. There are VCR pages but they are undefined at this time. This PCF is easy to navigate as key buttons are available from every screen. Discrete codes for most devices are included. This PCF borrows heavily from the graphics of Daniel Tonks, Steve Yon, and others. Thank you to them for making this possible.

Components in this system:
CD:Sony CDP-CX400
DSS:Dish Network DishPVR 508
Media Player:Elgato Eye Home
Receiver:Denon AVR-3806
Television:Sony KP-53HS30
Updated:December 23, 2006
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