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Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000
Submitted by:
Mike James
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Contest Entry #17: Theater Style
My PCF is a device based design split into parts for two rooms of the house. It is set up to keep all devices in sync regardless of whether discrete codes are available.

Each device maintains a theme of stylized rounded buttons using a conistent layout to make it easy to find controls which are common between devices. Each page has a 'Master Off' button which will turn off all equipment related to the device and take you back to the main home page.

I have demonstrated the use of the ProntoPro's translucent capability by using see-through menus for selecting audio, device, D-pad, and lighting settings.

For the cable box device, the menus slide out from the bottom or sides showing simple animation techniques. It works great on the remote, but the simulator causes the screen to flash when changing pages, making the animation less smooth. Delays were added to slow it down in the simulator. These delays are not necessary on the actual remote. I hope you enjoy the graphics and layout design. It was a lot of fun to work on.

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