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 Files > Pronto NG > Devices > Samsung > DVD Player > Details (Rate File)
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The file you are rating is as follows:
Samsung DVD-HD931
(Remote model AK59-99912A)
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000
Submitted by:
Randy Mangoba
Show author's email address.
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
This file is a part of the following system:

Randy Mangoba's Task-Based Setup
This Pronto remote control configuration has a task-based user interface that maximizes ease of use for both casual and advanced users, while providing full access to all the audio/video devices' remote commands for complete end-user control. In addition to useful automated wizards and macros that turn on all the necessary devices and set their inputs and outputs accordingly based on what the user wishes to do, this remote has a number of useful features, including: a tab-based user interface for directly accessing the proper page of a remote device, user-friendly screens with progress bars for long running macros, an "activity" bar at the top of each page containing commonly used commands, extensive help text, a special page for allowing the Pronto's screen to be cleaned, and many more user-friendly features. Buttons are color-coded so that advanced use only functions are colored orange. This configuration is the TSU7000 colored version of the TSU3000 PCF I originally submitted in 2004, but has additional usability enhancements as well as support for significantly many more devices.
Other items included with this file:
Anthem Preamplifier Statement D2
(Remote model URC-48C20BJ0-005)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Apple MP3 Player iPod
Remote control for the Universal Dock. Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Canon Camcorder Elura2 MC
(Remote model WL-D75)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Denon DVD Player DVD-3910
(Remote model RC-972)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Denon Receiver AVR-3200
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Denon Receiver AVR-4802
(Remote model RC-8000)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Gefen Switcher DVI 4x1
(Remote model RMT-4IR)
For June, 2004 firmware. Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Hitachi Television 36SDX88B
(Remote model CLU-433FC)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Hughes DSS Receiver/DVR HR11-100
(Remote model RC1704704/00)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Marantz Projector VP-12S3
(Remote model RC-12VPS3)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Microsoft Game System Xbox
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Microsoft Game System Xbox 360
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Microsoft HTPC Windows Media Center Edition
(Remote model Sony Vaio RM-MC10)
Also includes MCE keyboard model 1044. Part of a complete color system PCF file.
NAD Preamplifier 1700
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
NEC Projector HT1000
(Remote model 7N900371)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Pace Cable Box DC550P
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Panasonic Camcorder PV-GS15
(Remote model N2QAGC000018)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Panasonic DVD Player DVD-RP56
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Philips Digital Video Recorder HDR212
Series 1 TiVo, address 0. Part of a complete color system PCF file.
PrismiQ Media Player MediaPlayer
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
RCA DSS Receiver DRD486RH
(Remote model RCR160SCM1)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Scientific Atlanta Cable Box/DVR Explorer 8300HD
(Remote model AT8400)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Somfy Screen Control IRT103
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Sony Game System Playstation 2
(Remote model SCPH-10150)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Sony Television KV-27EXR25
(Remote model RM-Y104)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Sony VCR SLV-960HF
(Remote model RMT-V158C)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
TiVo Digital Video Recorder Series 3
(Remote model SPCA-01003-000)
Addresses 0 and 1. Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Toshiba DVD Player SD5109
(Remote model SE-R0013)
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Toshiba Digital Video Recorder RS-TX20
TiVo Series 2, addresses 0 and 2. Part of a complete color system PCF file.
Velodyne Subwoofer Processor SMS-1
Should control all Digital Drive subwoofers as well. Part of a complete color system PCF file.
X-10 Lighting IR543
Part of a complete color system PCF file.
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