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You are currently browsing through the Philips Pronto NG TSU3000, TSU3500, RU950, RU960, ProntoPro NG TSU7000, TSU7500, RU980, RU990, Marantz RC5400 & RC9500 file area. To return to the beginning click here.
Here is my Midnite PCF (black ground with lite colored buttons) for the Pronto 3000. The buttons are all original (except for a couple that I borrowed elsewhere). All the buttons have been tweaked for display on the remote. It has several wait pages for when a long macro plays. All devices have discrete power on and off. I have duplicated the cursor buttons on a lot of the screens because the wife has trouble pushing the "Hard" buttons with her arthritus.
Other items included with this file:
Applied Digital Home Automation Controller Ocelot
Used to control X-10. Part of a complete system PCF file.
Dish Network DSS Receiver Echostar 6000
Set to code #1. Part of a complete system PCF file.