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 Files > Pronto > Systems > Original > H
There are 104 Original System CCFs.
7 authors begin with the letter H.
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For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Aaron Hughart
Aaron Hughart's Color CCF
Pro version of my ccf. Used a Mac "Aqua" theme. Added a "TV Guide" tab to my Directory Macro which lists weekly programs for each day of the week. Replaced my mini-system with a Technics A/V receiver and an MP3 player. Added a directory of CDs with cover pictures. Changed the Pop up Menus to a transparent look. File also includes a Gallery of all buttons, tabs, etc.
Updated: August 08, 2001  Size: 1.46mb

For: Marantz RC9200
By: Aaron Hughart
Aaron Hughart's RC9200 CCF
This is a 9200 version of my previous ccf for the TSU6000. It also includes a TV Guide, Directory, Jukebox, DVD directory, Calendar and Photo album. I include a default theme with it that can be modified to make your own. The theme could also be used as a Gallery file. (Themes require the use of Tonto.)
Updated: October 22, 2002  Size: 985kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Bob Hicks
Bob Hicks' Color CCF File
This original color ccf exploits all of the new Pronto Pro features. Full of color graphics, I've spent many nearly 100 hours creating a VERY intuitive interface with lots of screen jumps and macros to minimize flipping screens. NOTE: artwork is provided only to show the new remote's possibilities and should not be used or distributed. Includes X-10 lighting, pizza menus and a phone book.
Updated: October 02, 2001  Size: 127kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Engin Hamarat
Engin's Pronto Configuration
I've been working on the CCF file for quite a while now. It's different than others because all of my equipment is Philips and all of my panels strictly copy the original remotes. In addition I've used more than 4 shades. Gallery file included.
Updated: February 13, 2000  Size: 67kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Jim Hughes
Jim's Original CCF Design
New TV + new DVD = new ccf. I have added some new devices to my Linn + Loewe + Sony system and redid the ccf to remove the memory intensive bitmap backgrounds, the result is an easier to use CCF that uses less than 20% of the TS1000 memory. Pressing buttons on the home page brings up simplified transports or station lists. The original remotes are replicated in the device section.
Updated: December 27, 2001  Size: 18kb

For: Marantz RC5000
By: Marc-Etienne Huneau
Marc-Etienne Huneau's BeOS CCF
A BeOS-inspired CCF with simple help system and many duplicated screens to make you believe there is a window manager in the RC5000.
Updated: August 12, 2000  Size: 26kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Pat Hall
Pat Hall's Custom Pronto
Complete configuration file featuring a custom star/oval theme. All panels/icons are original, with the exception of the home icon.
Updated: January 15, 2000  Size: 27kb
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