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 Files > Pronto > Systems > Original
There are 104 Original System CCFs.
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For: Philips TS-1000
By: Giles Renouf
Giles Renouf's Custom CCF
A multi-room system with a central A/V cabinet. Screen Graphics are custom designed to use a 3x3 grid, so they're easy for "fat finger" button selection and only provided the needed options at any given time. Other features include a party mode, power on/off on the home page, labeled IR codes, long macros with informative beeps, plus all channel logos created to fit on the 3x3 grid. All equipment picked for suitable I.R. functionality. Graphics only use white, dark grey and black (no light grey) to enable less sensitive use of screen contrast.
Updated: August 01, 2005  Size: 49kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: William Green
William Green's Custom Layout
A layout I'm finally happy with to share! Over 500 custom graphics, plus games downloaded from this site. All main buttons aliased to complete learned/hex code panels. Hope you enjoy!
Updated: August 01, 2005  Size: 781kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Chris Morse
Chris Morse's Second WinTV CCF
This is probably my last PDA-specific setup for the Dell Axim as it does take so much time! Again, this is a Pronto Pro file being used with WinTV. Things to note: The Dell has it's own hard menu button so there isn't one present on-screen. The Dell doesn't have a seperate Macro sidebar so they are included on the home page and device pages.
Updated: April 05, 2005  Size: 198kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Curtis Wiggins
Curtis Wiggins' CCF
Complete CCF with mostly original bitmaps. Includes buttons for a home theater PC, and a small handful of updated channel icons.
Updated: January 26, 2005  Size: 171kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Chris Morse
Chris Morse's WinTV CCF
This is a setup I created for use with my Dell Axim PDA using WinTV. It uses Pronto Pro CCF files but has a lot more memory and better colour. For years I've been using Daniel Tonks' files but when I bought my LaserDisc player I thought it was time to make my own up. And because the PDA doesn't have a macro side bar I've included them on the main screen panels.
Updated: December 04, 2004  Size: 71kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Joe Andras
Joe Andras's Custom CCF
This is a complete system file with custom screens and custom buttons. The system was designed to be easily used by my wife and young kids, not just me. It emphasizes screens that focus on accomplishing a desired function (e.g. "Watch", then "Watch What?"), rather than a collection of individual screens that focus on controlling an individual device. The Dish Network screens include a "favorites" button (a heart icon) that leads to channel icons that have been grouped by type (sports, kids, news, etc.) If desired, there is an "expert" button on the home screen that leads to ugly, but functional screens for each device. These same screens are the "IR" screens that are aliased into the button scripts.
Updated: May 03, 2004  Size: 210kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Andy Watkinson
Andy Watkinson's Simpsons CCF
This is my first release, themed for the Simpsons fan. All codes are learned. I hope you like it and can make use of some of the images.
Updated: February 16, 2004  Size: 197kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Gil Semo
Gil Semo's Easy CCF
The advantege of this CCF is an intuitive and simple operation. Even my mother and my babysitter can operate the remote.
Updated: February 16, 2004  Size: 40kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Steve Rosing
Steve Rosing's Custom Interface
This an update of my original system CCF. I have added DVD library browse screens, an editable welcome screen, new graphics and buttons. I have also included my button and tab library in the CCF.
Updated: October 28, 2003  Size: 43kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Guy Kuo
Guy Kuo's AVIA CCF
New design! This system CCF contains duplicates of actual remotes as macro panels. A tab based GUI on the device side serves for day to day operation. Features volume control on the left/right buttons (so the volume keys can be used for tuning the satellite) and simulated discrete codes for the Faroudja line doubler. Updated with one-touch access macros for the most commonly used audio and video tests on the AVIA DVD which can be easily modified for any DVD player. Other notes included in the .txt file.
Updated: October 27, 2003  Size: 87kb
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