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 Files > Pronto > Systems > All > P
There are 861 System CCFs.
46 authors begin with the letter P.
Displaying files 31 through 40 on page 4 of 5.
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For: Philips TSU2000
By: Simon Polinelli
Simon Polinelli's Australian CCF
This is the continuing evolution of my CCF. You will see a completely revised user interface, more add ons (games etc.), improved ir codes especially for the Foxtel unit and a 'Fast Menu' that quickly and easily navigates around all commonly used functions in the main home theatre.
Updated: March 06, 2007  Size: 113kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Bruno Pontneau
Bruno's Pronto CCF
A complete system CCF file with the following devices.
Updated: July 02, 2001  Size: 39kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Anthony Poole
Anthony Poole's CCF
A complete system file for the components listed below.
Updated: August 03, 2003  Size: 28kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Scott Popcorn
The Scott "Popcorn" Home Theater
A new CCF based on a Star Trek theme. Includes audio, discrete codes for the Zenith VCR and more!
Updated: January 23, 2000  Size: 26kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Roberto Porcelli
Roberto Porcelli's Italian CCF
A system CCF file with Italian satellite TV icons.
Updated: August 04, 2003  Size: 60kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Brian Porter
Brian Porter's Pronto Setup
I haved added full TiVo support with macros to frequently useditems and a logical layout to supplement the TiVo experience. I redesignedmy CCF by basically overlaying Daniels great interface on top of my previousfunctionality. I have maintained discrete PIP switching and control,discrete sleep timers, my interactive system layout, sony service menu, anddiscrete A/B channel switching. I have also added global X10 lightingcontrols with icons from Dale Crawford. This CCF is significantly betterlooking and much more useable.
Updated: November 01, 1999  Size: 78kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Stefan Portisch
Stefan's CCF File
This is my completly redesigned ccf. The design was taken mostly from Daniel's file (many thanks). I've modified the buttons so that they are moveable (instead of the static ones). Highlights include the configuration of tuner presets (the buttons stay pressed so that one can see which station is chosen). This took a lot of work but I didn't find an easier way. There are also German TV-logos and a small help file for my wife.
Updated: December 02, 1999  Size: 54kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Mike Potter
Mike Potter's ProntoPro CCF
My first color CCF file. Includes custom graphics for a menu cursor pad and for transport controls. Also includes some television channel graphics taken from this web site.
Updated: September 20, 2001  Size: 90kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Andrew Pratt
Andrew Pratt's CCF File
My CCF is designed to be easy-to-use with the home page offering "what would you like to do" buttons.
Updated: August 14, 2000  Size: 36kb

For: Marantz RC5200
By: Colin Preston
Colin Preston's First CCF
This is my first attempt at programming my Marantz 5200. Designed for the UK TV market from scratch, however ALL icons used are from, so many many thanks to you all for the inspiration. It has been done with the large button style simplistic format and I hope it eventually helps someone else!
Updated: October 03, 2004  Size: 26kb
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