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 Files > Pronto > Devices > Panasonic > DVD Player (Details)
File Details & Download
Panasonic DVD-RV60
(Remote model VEQ2380)
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000
Submitted by:
Chris Buck
Show author's email address.
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Part of a complete system CCF file from the UK.
Updated:May 07, 2001
This file is a part of the following system:

Chris Buck's Complete CCF
This complete CCF (which has taken a year in total to get right) was made using help from many others found on Remote Central. There were many devices that I couldn't find, so these are original, as are some some of the backrounds & buttons.
Other items included with this file:
Arcam Amplifier Alpha AV50
Part of a complete system CCF file from the UK.
Arcam Tuner Alpha 8
Part of a complete system CCF file from the UK.
Rega CD Player Planet
Part of a complete system CCF file from the UK.
Sony Television KV-32FX20
Part of a complete system CCF file from the UK.
(Remote model RMT-V142A)
Part of a complete system CCF file from the UK.
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or view other files created by this author.

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