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 Files > Pronto > Devices > Denon > Receiver (Details)
File Details & Download
Denon ADV-1000
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000
Submitted by:
Georgio Coulouris
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Combination DVD player/receiver. Part of a complete system CCF file.
Updated:July 12, 2006
This file is a part of the following system:

Georgio's Mac Mini Home Theater
This will mainly be of interest to Mac-heads. I couldn't find any CCFs for the Elgato remote so I made the Pronto learn them. The Mac Mini remote codes are taken from and iPod remote file that I found on Remote Central. I like the Apple remote so much that I still use it in preference to the Pronto most of the time - it makes the Pronto seem very old-fashioned and clunky. For the EyeTV tuner there are screens that replicate all the buttons on the remote. I've made several other screens to give direct touchscreen access to all the main channels on UK Freeview terrestrial digital TV (which I access through an EyeTV 410). The channel buttons just send the codes for the relevant channel numbers. You may need to change them since the channel numbers are differnet in different parts of the country.
Other items included with this file:
Apple Home Theater PC Mac Mini
Part of a complete system CCF file.
Elgato HTPC Tuner EyeTV 500
Part of a complete system CCF file.
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