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 Files > Pronto Professional > Other > ProntoScripts > Games > Details (Rate File)
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Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9400
Submitted by:
Guy Palmer
Show author's email address.
Kazamm! for the 9400
Kaaamm! is an asteroids clone developed by André du Fresne for the Pronto. This version is a simple port of the game for the 9400, with the graphics moved and re-sized to fit the 9400. It is being published with André's permission.

To quote from André's original description:

"You are the pilot of a little spaceship, encountering deadly asteroids which shatter into smaller chunks when hit.

"To make things worse, now and then there is this nasty alien UFO, firing guided, proximity-triggered, shield-protected mines which need to be hit 3 times before they are distroyed. You can try to dodge them, but it's a lot of fun, flying backwards, firing round after round while the mine is chasing you ;-)

"The game starts pretty easy: Only 2 big asteroids - no UFOs (which are btw indestructable) but it's getting harder the better your score is.

"For the sake of game speed, the maximum number of large asteroids is limited to four, which makes - in the worst case - 16 small and fast boulders."

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