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 Files > Miscellaneous > Other > Codes > Logitech Harmony
21 files under Logitech Harmony
Displaying files 1 through 10 on page 1 of 3.
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Utility: Harmony 1000 Firmware Fix
For: Logitech Harmony 1000
If your Logitech Harmony 1000 remote control is hanging on the Logitech splash screen, and you receive an error when updating regarding an "Invalid RegionVersion" or "Invalid RegionIDs", then you will need to perform the firmware fix contained in this file.
Updated: December 13, 2007  Size: 478kb
Harmony 880 UK Television Network Logos
Selection of 22 UK Freeview TV Channel icons for the Logitech Harmony 880. Not totally comprehensive, but the more common ones anyway. All resized to 64x32; previews below are shown smaller than actual size.
For: Logitech Harmony 880/890
By: Andy Bates
Updated: January 18, 2006  Size: 51kb
Harmony One Swiss Television Logos
A collection of 120 channel logos in color for digital cable TV in Switzerland.
For: Logitech Harmony One
By: Fedrigo
Updated: June 01, 2009  Size: 243kb
Harmony 880 Color Television Logos
42 television logos for the Harmony 880, with Canadian stations.
For: Logitech Harmony 880/890
By: Howard Fellerman
Updated: December 19, 2006  Size: 143kb
Harmony One Australian TV Logos
Australian TV Logos for Harmony One. Ideal size and resolution for remote.
For: Logitech Harmony One
By: Gavin
Updated: June 01, 2009  Size: 293kb
Harmony 880 Australian Television Logos
96 color television network logos for Australian Foxtel and Digital TV channels. All are sized 64x32 for use with the Harmony 880. Previews below are shown at half size.
For: Logitech Harmony 880/890
By: Gizmodoc
Updated: April 08, 2006  Size: 332kb
Harmony 880 Color Television Logos
These 166 channel logos are for Cablevision/Time Warner New York. The contrast and color have be modified on Photoshop, so the logos appear better on the Logitech Harmony 880 screen. Previews below are shown smaller than actual size.
For: Logitech Harmony 880/890
By: Glendon Gordon
Updated: May 13, 2007  Size: 871kb
Harmony 880 Homer Slideshow
A Harmony 880 Homer slideshow... d'oh!
For: Logitech Harmony 880/890
By: Russell Harper
Updated: July 09, 2006  Size: 155kb
Harmony 880 Color Television Logos
14 Harmony 880 logos for channels that I didn't see elsewhere in other file downloads, or at least different styles.
For: Logitech Harmony 880/890
By: Dale Hollenbaugh
Updated: July 20, 2006  Size: 18kb
Harmony 880 Slideshow
Includes 36 slideshow images for the Logitech Harmony 880. Images can also be used as backgrounds.
For: Logitech Harmony 880/890
By: Keith Landau
Updated: December 12, 2005  Size: 1.01mb
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