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 Files > Nevo > Devices > Sony > Blu-ray Player (Details)
File Details & Download
Sony BDP-S350
Designed for:
Universal Electronics Inc. NevoQ50
Submitted by:
John Krug
Show author's email address.
File Rating:
100% (1 vote)
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Part of a complete Q50 system NVJ file.
Updated:February 06, 2009
This file is a part of the following system:

Nevo Q50 from a Viking 60' Yacht
When I first got started programming Nevo remotes, the files on Remote Central really helped me get started. This is a file from a 60' Viking Yacht that I worked on recently. It controls all of the equipment in the salon. I setup a seperate device section that allows you to get into all of the lesser used functions for each piece of equipment.

There are discrete on/off and video input codes for the Sharp LC37d43u which I have tested on other Sharp LCDs. There are also discrete on/off and input codes for the Lifestyle 38. These will work on other lifestyle systems as well.

Other items included with this file:
Bose Receiver Lifestyle 38
Part of a complete Q50 system NVJ file.
DirecTV DSS Receiver H21
Part of a complete Q50 system NVJ file.
Marantz iPod Dock IS-201
Part of a complete Q50 system NVJ file.
Sharp Television LC37D43U
Part of a complete Q50 system NVJ file.
Terk XM Tuner XM Commander
Part of a complete Q50 system NVJ file.
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