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 Files > URC Graphical Series > Systems > Contest (Details)
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Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
Submitted by:
Peter Ademola Alukoya
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Contest Entry #14: MX-Fun
What I believe makes this program unique is the ability to combine:
  • The ability to combine animated gifs (both funny and serious)
  • Sounds from well known super-stars and sounds created for travels and family members: I have a wav file (voice of Will Smith from one of his movies). The "What would you like to do" sound on the welcome screen is the voice of a lady who was sitting next to me on the train as I was travelling into New York City one morning. I wanted to use a soft female voice to welcome guests to the MX-3000. The sounds behind the Music and Guess is the voice of a family member. I wanted to create something funny.
  • Ability to create unique designs using Photoshop, ImageReady and other graphic software. The To Do background was drawn free hand in Photoshop and ImageReady.
  • Using icons of well known Cable/Satellite programs to help direct access to those channels
  • Ability to separate buttons and sections (i.e. buttons under Main section and buttons under Devices section), helping to either prevent or allow access to the buttons
  • Ability to create hidden buttons and generate macros, animated gifs and sounds within those hidden buttons (there's one hidden button in this program. Can you find it? It may be a picture, sound or both? When you find it, click and HOLD).
Updated:June 17, 2005
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