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 Files > URC Graphical Series > Systems > Contest
There are 41 Contest Entry System Files.
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For: URC MX-3000
By: Leland Kropp Jr.
Contest Entry #31: Cartoon
A cartoony design with lots of color and animation.
Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 411kb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Tom Molstad
Contest Entry #32: Refract
An entry in the Universal Remote Control Inc. MX-3000 design contest.
Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 3.32mb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Jack Podplesky
Contest Entry #33: Multi-Zone Serenity
Features I believe to be unique are:
  • Integration to my X10 system, being able to control any light in my house including my sprinkler system via the MX3000
  • By using variables it is not necessary to have discreet power codes, the MX3000 knows the power state of each device. It is not necessary to turn on all components and the MX3000 knows which units to turn off.
  • The System Lock (code is 4294) which inhibits unauthorized use of the MX3000
  • The Admin Lock (code is 3849) which keeps the non-daily used functions on the remote but safely protected

The system controls equipment in 3 different locations in 3 different viewing locations.

Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 426kb

For: URC MX-3000
By: William Ray
Contest Entry #34: Left Or Right
My design is unique in the way that it is designed for left-handed and right-handed users. Buttons like channel and volume are located on the left side, which makes it hard for right-handed users. In my design I added buttons like these on the opposite side for convenience, the first screen prompts you to choose left or right-handed version. Then to make even easier on the user I used text instead of buttons. In my experience in installing I find that people are still no used to symbols so by using questions and answers and the word “play” instead of the symbol it makes almost idiot proof for the client. I also used picks of the clients theatre for a more unique and up-scale look they have open space to add personal picks to the clients liking.
Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 599kb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Geoff Taylor
Contest Entry #35: Grand Opening
This is my design for the MX-3000. The curtains opening are the most unique part of this program, as they open the system turns on leading to the main page.
Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 3.06mb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Victor Vega
Contest Entry #36: Ultimate Clicker
This file has everything you want in a program. Most of my clients still call remotes "clickers", that explains it, so the file has to look good, work perfectly everytime, and be extremely user friendly. I have made very happy customers with this file!
Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 616kb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Christopher West
Contest Entry #37: Psychedelic
An entry in the Universal Remote Control Inc. MX-3000 design contest.
Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 442kb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Mike Woodhall
Contest Entry #38: Brushed Steel
The RC is based upon both action (Watch, Listen) and device principles (DVD, CD,…). It uses MX-3000 variables where discrete on & off codes are not available and can switch from the current device to any other device from any page.

What makes it unique? I don’t know… It appeals to me and actually manages to do the things I want it to do in a way which my family can understand and operate.

Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 2.75mb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Robert Zamora
Contest Entry #39: Layout One
An entry in the Universal Remote Control Inc. MX-3000 design contest.
Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 1.09mb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Robert Zamora
Contest Entry #40: Layout Two
An entry in the Universal Remote Control Inc. MX-3000 design contest.
Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 633kb
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