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Designed for:
Complete Control MX-980
Submitted by:
Marcel White
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Marcel's MX-980 System
I replaced my Harmony 880 with the MX980. This is NOT the easiest remote to program. This file represents my modest, initial attempt to at least just have it do what the Harmony 880 could perform. It's still not perfect, but it's doing the most basic automation tasks. Let me know what you think and any feedback/guidance is APPRECIATED!

Components in this system:
BD:Panasonic BMP-BD10A
Cable:Motorola QIP 6416-2
HTPC:HP Pavilion S-7620N
Receiver:Pioneer Elite VSX-94TXH
Television 1:Samsung HL-S7178W
Television 2:LG 42PC5D
Updated:November 11, 2008
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