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What's new for Friday October 8, 1999...
(Return to the October 1999 news index...)
Forum updates: One of the things that has been keeping me up late into the night during the past few months is figuring out how to automatically hotlink all URLs (web addresses, such as in forum messages. I've seen it done on other BBS software, but just couldn't get it working here.

Well, I buckled down this past week and after much effort it finally seems to be functional -- and working well, if I do say so myself. Now, any regular URL for a web site will be automatically made into a clickable link. You DO NOT need to add any HTML code (such as <HREF=) for this to work, but it is best that you type the entire address including the http:// part. I also have this working for email addresses.

As with anything, there's always the chance it doesn't work 100 percent perfectly. So, if you see a link that appears garbled or exhibits some other anomaly please contact me and let me know. I'll look into it and see if anything needs changing.

Interesting Pronto utilities dept.: Olivier Couvreur has uploaded two Pronto helper programs. The first can take a CCF file and build a complete web page around it, including all panels, graphics, button states, IR codes... lots and lots of information! The second decompiles a CCF file into a text script which you can modify in any text editor. Do I hear batch changes? The only thing missing is a program to converts it back to CCF format, however that is promised shortly. Let's all give Olivier a huge pat on the back for his hard work!

This news report was updated on May 19, 2006.