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What's new for Thursday January 25, 2001...
(Return to the January 2001 news index...)
New MX-1000 file area!
If you're the proud owner of a Home Theater Master MX-1000 then, as the old slogan goes, we want you! Remote Central's got a brand new file area specifically for MX-1000 owners, but we need your content in order to populate it! Since the MX-1000's software is an ever-changing beast, at this point we'd be very interested in custom button designs and file layouts. So please, check the new area out and, if you can, contribute!

Speaking of the MX-1000, Universal Remote Control has recently released a upgraded version of their software, MX-1000 Operating Program (kinda catchy, eh?). The new software version addresses communications speed, file transfer errors, software compatibility issues (it's now compatible with Windows 95 through 2000; Windows ME will be addressed later), enhanced clipboard "paste" functions plus a "snap to grid" feature. A completely new version of the software will be released in February. Download the new version here.
[Talk about the Home Theater Master MX-1000...]

Pronto file area change.
Due to the steady growth of the Pronto/RC5000 file area, we've had to come up with new ways to sort and display data, practically on the fly. The most recent change is for the system CCF file area, which recently surpassed 300 entries. Finding any particular file was becoming somewhat of a problem, with no real way to sort or determine on which of the 32 pages it may be. So, to improve on the situation we've implemented a new display scheme for files sorted by name - alphabetically! Sure, they've actually always been sorted that way, but now you can click on any letter of the alphabet and jump straight to that section. No more tedious hunting! Check it out.
[Talk about the Pronto & RC5000...]

Weemote 2!
This CES, Fobis Technologies announced their new Weemote 2 kids' remote control with greater features and more options. Check out my report here. Much more information regarding CES will be up shortly.

Site sever...
As a growing number of you have found, getting on Remote Central is starting to become somewhat of a challenge. I do apologize for the inconvenience, but there's not much I can do but switch to a new server - which I have been working on for some time now. Plans are starting to finalize, so this problem should be taken care of shortly. In the mean time you can try using the free modem dialup service from, which is not blocked, or if you prefer to continue using your existing connection you can try, which will merely make your high-speed connection feel like dialup.

Yes, I do realize that it is somewhat ironic to post about access problems on the very site people are having problems getting to (sort of like the old ISP technical support joke - Customer: "I'm having problems connecting to the Internet" Tech: "Hmm, well could you send me an email with your account name and the nature of your problem?"), but many users may have an alternate access route that does work.

The FTP server is also experiencing the same limitations, with forbidden IPs and requests for passwords when the system is busy. If you are getting a username/password request, please ignore it and try again later. You may also find our third download option, HTTP, is non-functional. Once again, all of this will be fixed as soon as I move servers.

This news report was updated on May 18, 2006.