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URC R50 vs MX-450 vs XSight Touch vs others?
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Post 1 made on Thursday February 4, 2010 at 11:33
Long Time Member
January 2010
Looking for a remote and RF setup under $300. I've heard logitechs are poor build quality so I was staying away from them and focusing on UR and others.

I think I've narrowed it down to the three mentioned in the subject line.

I'm being stupid and picking based on looks....I like being able to see pictures of "XBOX,PS3,TV,etc." in little icon format however I don't watch much tv so setting TV favorites will be useless since I won't have cable in a few months. But also give me the cheaper alternative that doesn't have that I guess...

I require RF, something to stop coffee table from blocking a signal to a my equipment....I will be about 9 ft from my equipment.

I have a:
1) Panasonic 46 Inch G10 2009 version
2) PS3 Slim (which bluetooth adaptor do I go with)
3) Xbox 360 (used as an HTPC media center repeater as well)
4) Xbox 360 media center repeater (same box as above)
5) Onkyo 707 Reciever (all connected to this)

I realize i'll need to buy a PS3 bluetooth thing. So a recommendation on that would be great as well. I want my remote to be able to power on and off my PS3, navigate up down menus and run basic commands on blue ray movies I play.

Thanks for helping me.

I'd like to stay around 200 for the remote alone...unless your going to say that there's value for me over 200. Please consider I also have to spend money on the RF repeater and Bluetooth adaptor. I'd like to be under 300-350 for everything.


I dont know much about other brands other than UR and logitech. If there's something I should consider please post it. Also, a remote I dont have to learn a new programming language would be great as well. However I am an IT professional so I am pretty skilled with following technical directions.

Also recommendations on where to buy online would be appreciated....
Post 2 made on Thursday February 4, 2010 at 11:51
Select Member
December 2008
URC Pro MX450 & MRF260 / Color LCD Screen, Assignable RF Receiver & Outputs MSRP $399
URC Consumer RFS200 / B&W LCD Screen, Non-assignable base & outputs
MSRP $139

URCPro only authorizes Amazon for the MX450/MRF260
URCConsumer has many online shopping opprtunities
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday February 4, 2010 at 16:44
Long Time Member
January 2010
Will an IPhone APP with dongle do what i"m trying to do? Why not?
OP | Post 4 made on Sunday February 7, 2010 at 03:09
Long Time Member
January 2010
bump bump :)

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