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induction charging pads?
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Post 1 made on Friday January 29, 2010 at 20:50
Long Time Member
June 2006
I just realized how perfect the new induction charging pads that are showing up everywhere would be for remotes. You could just keep the pad next to the chair on the table where you always have your remote anyway, and it would always be charged. Are there any remotes that use an induction charging pad? Are the pads up to having beer mugs and coffee cups and pens and pencils and wot-not sitting on them as well as the remote? :-).
Post 2 made on Friday January 29, 2010 at 21:22
Select Member
December 2008
And will they keep my beer cold and my coffee hot?
Post 3 made on Tuesday February 2, 2010 at 16:39
Super Member
December 2007
On January 29, 2010 at 21:22, JoeFlabitz said...
And will they keep my beer cold and my coffee hot?

Yes and yes, but you will need the cooler adapter and heater adapter to do it.
"You can't fix stupid."
Post 4 made on Tuesday February 2, 2010 at 16:45
Super Member
December 2007
On January 29, 2010 at 20:50, tomhorsley said...
I just realized how perfect the new induction charging pads that are showing up everywhere would be for remotes. You could just keep the pad next to the chair on the table where you always have your remote anyway, and it would always be charged. Are there any remotes that use an induction charging pad? Are the pads up to having beer mugs and coffee cups and pens and pencils and wot-not sitting on them as well as the remote? :-).

Currently they are still pretty gimmicky, that is untill manufactureers start building the technology into the products. Right now you hav to get an adapter to your device, like below. And since it is new technology, it's expensive, at least for now.
You aren't likey to see this on remotes for a few years, at least.
"You can't fix stupid."

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