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Some help for a newbie please
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Post 1 made on Monday March 16, 2009 at 10:47
Lurking Member
March 2009
Tired of needing 4-5 different remotes to control all my components, so I am looking for a universal remote. Below are the components I have with some info:

Onkyo TX-SR605 Home ent. system-- The remote which came with this system should work with all the components but I cant control the set-top box or the TV (see below)-- Need to control power, vol, audio/video input, surround sound type, zone 2 (power/volume), etc etc

Sylvania (Funai) LCD TV- LC420SS8- Cannot find codes anywhere- so do I need a learning remote? Need to control power only

Set-top box (cable box)-- THis is for AT&T Uverse cable- the box is made by Cisco IPN430MC- again I can not find any codes and I will need to control power, channels, guide, DVR (recording, ff, rew, pause etc). Lots of commands- would this be hard to do with a learning remote?

Samsung VCR VR9160- Typical vcr functions

Panasonic DVD-F65-- Used as 5 disk CD player and DVD player- Typical controls as well as being able to change between disks.

I have all the OEM remotes. Not looking for anything fancy or too expensive, just something that will work without having to have an EE degree. The easier to program the better, but I am will to spend some time programming if need be.

Let me know if more info is needed and thanks for your help
Post 2 made on Tuesday March 17, 2009 at 18:58
Ultimate Member
May 2001
I think the best choice might be to look at the Harmoney remotes, if you want something cheaper look at the one for all section on the site

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