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RS232 control of Audio Design Associates (ADA) Mach IV
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Post 1 made on Saturday December 14, 2019 at 17:51
Marcus Wood
Long Time Member
July 2003
I'd like to understand how RS232 works with ADA (Audio Design Associates) products, in particular the Cinema Rhapsody Mach IV-B.

Is it possible to achieve RS232 control using the ADA Bus port on the rear panel, and if so can this be two way control?

If two-way control can be done with the ADA Bus port, what is the purpose of ADA's ISO CAT II black box, which has a DB9 socket and is described as follows by ADA:

'The ISO-CAT-2 is designed to permit bi-directional ADA Bus to RS-232 communication. This is most frequently used when integrating RS-232 control systems (touch screen control systems) and/or PCs with ADA systems and components.'
Post 2 made on Monday March 2, 2020 at 21:57
Super Member
April 2004
Sorry just now seeing this. Yes use ISO CAT 2 to convert SUB D to the ADA Bus on the Mach4. The Mach 4 doesn’t have a SUb D connector just the 4 pin Phoenix for ADA bus.

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