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Xantech IRS232A...anyone have software ?
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Post 1 made on Thursday December 27, 2018 at 21:41
Long Time Member
September 2008
Hey all,

I have a Xantech IRS232A, I have a serious need for a device that will convert IR to HEX but, I don't want to spend $75+ on a device when I already have this device.

The DRA460 software on their site is corrupt and after a phone call to them, they will not help at all with it. The newest software will not work with this device.

I have a XP computer laptop I can use, I just need the software, at this point I am willing to PayPal someone a little reward if they can get me the software and if it works.

Can anyone help ?

If you want to email me directly, you can email

Thanks in advance !
Post 2 made on Friday December 28, 2018 at 01:44
Super Member
January 2003
Hi David. I answered you on the Custom Installers forum. I couldn't find the software. Hopefully someone else on here was able to help.
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OP | Post 3 made on Friday December 28, 2018 at 10:05
Long Time Member
September 2008
On December 28, 2018 at 01:44, davidcasemore said...
Hi David. I answered you on the Custom Installers forum. I couldn't find the software. Hopefully someone else on here was able to help.

Thanks for looking. No, no one has been able to help. I hope someone can.
OP | Post 4 made on Thursday January 3, 2019 at 20:53
Long Time Member
September 2008
I am starting to feel this is a dead end...During the support days maybe 5-8 years ago, people raved about how well it works. I even got a XP computer built so I could get it running but, sad to say, the lack of software kills it.

It was EXACTLY what I was looking for to take a IR signal and kick out HEX via RS-232...

Hunted around and found a really good deal on a Ocelot controller, going to try that one, I do see the software is available and from what I read, it will do what I am looking for...and it actually even installs on WIndows 10...shocking..

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