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Samsung 2017 MU6300 RS-232
This thread has 27 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Friday August 25, 2017 at 11:54
Curtis Brabham
Lurking Member
August 2017
We recently purchased a few Samsung UN75MU6300's for use in classrooms. Rather than leaving remotes in the rooms, we had intended on controlling them from the PC via RS-232. We did look at the specs before we ordered, and they stated "RS-232C Ready". Unfortunately, they were new enough at the time of order that we couldn't find anything that clearly showed the port cluster on the back. Upon receiving them we found out they don't have the Ex-link port. Woops...

Does anyone have any idea what Samsung means by "RS-232C Ready"? I haven't been able to find anything through searches.
Post 2 made on Saturday August 26, 2017 at 18:19
Lurking Member
August 2017

I am a integrator here in my home town, we just left a site were we had purchased 4 tv sets of the mu63000 series that claimed rsr232 ready , we had found nothing in the back of a ex-link port, or any sort of an adapter in the packaging.

Im assuming at this point its a Usb-rs232 adapter, I already spoke to my programmer and he is a bit stumbled on what the " rsr232 ready means "

Let me know if you find anything
OP | Post 3 made on Monday August 28, 2017 at 08:45
Curtis Brabham
Lurking Member
August 2017
Glad to know I'm not the only one who has run into this issue. I'm also glad to see you mention a USB-RS232 adapter...there is an option in the Service Menu that says "USB Serial".

We haven't tried putting a USB RS232 adapter on the TV yet. From my understanding, they do run some flavor of Linux so it's entirely possible that would work. Those adapters usually require a driver though, and we haven't been able to find out which ones might be compatible. We have a ton of TRENDnet adapters we purchased for the PC side. We might try one of those today.

We were able to get a PC to sort of recognize the TV when connecting directly to the USB port thinking that maybe Samsung had built the serial adapter directly into the TV. There are a few things that show in Device Manager, but we haven't been able to find drivers for those devices. Neither of the devices show anything about being some sort of COM port, though.

I'll let you know if we figure anything out, and would greatly appreciate if you'd do the same. :)
OP | Post 4 made on Monday August 28, 2017 at 16:57
Curtis Brabham
Lurking Member
August 2017
A little more info. One of my team did an online chat with Samsung Support and was told "Samsung TV's can accept RS-232 commands through the USB port on the TV using a special dongle that is only available to custom installers."

I'll keep updating the post as we find out more.
Post 5 made on Thursday August 31, 2017 at 11:48
Lurking Member
August 2017
Samsung uses an ex-link (3.5 mm connection to db9 cables needed) to control it.
OP | Post 6 made on Thursday August 31, 2017 at 16:48
Curtis Brabham
Lurking Member
August 2017
On August 31, 2017 at 11:48, JaredNix said...
Samsung uses an ex-link (3.5 mm connection to db9 cables needed) to control it.

Normally...yes. These TV's don't have the Ex-Link port though. Samsung states they are "RS232C Ready", and apparently that means there is an adapter you plug into one of the USB ports. I'm working with one of our vendors right now to try to find the part number on the adapter.
Post 7 made on Thursday September 14, 2017 at 12:41
Lurking Member
September 2017
On August 31, 2017 at 16:48, Curtis Brabham said...
Normally...yes. These TV's don't have the Ex-Link port though. Samsung states they are "RS232C Ready", and apparently that means there is an adapter you plug into one of the USB ports. I'm working with one of our vendors right now to try to find the part number on the adapter.

I have been following this thread because I have the same exact issue: We purchased several Samsung MU6300 Series TV's, advertised as being "RS232-Ready", and have found a lack of serial connectivity, other than USB, and a lack of documentation on how to enable RS232 on these models. It would seem these are "RS232-Not-Ready"! Anyway, it has been a couple weeks since you last posted. Have you any new developments or discoveries? Do you have an adapter part number? Please share. Thanks.
OP | Post 8 made on Thursday September 14, 2017 at 15:20
Curtis Brabham
Lurking Member
August 2017
I have new information, but you're not going to be happy. So apparently it's not a "special dongle" like we were originally told. Supposedly you just need a regular USB-to-RS232 adapter to plug into the USB port on the TV. BUT...and here's the's not enabled in the current firmware release.  It's supposed to be coming "in a future release", but we didn't get any information on when that would be.

I've had to drop back to IR blasters for now, and have moved to ordering the MU8000 series that does have the Ex-Link port.  They're not that much more, and actually come in an 82" version anyway.

Fortunately we only ordered five of the MU6300's before we found the issue.  I had another requirement for a room that doesn't need RS-232 control, so I ordered an MU8000 and will be able to swap that in for one of the MU6300's.
Post 9 made on Thursday September 14, 2017 at 20:49
Select Member
August 2004

I just used this feature with a slew of MU6000 TVs.

It is enabled. I just finished a job with these and I am happy to share the info. In fact, I have another post on here recently about issues I have encountered.

We received the Stereo Mini-USB adaptors from our supplier. Neither I nor the supplier had a part number for them. Apparently they can request these adapters from Samsung when they order the TVs.

In order to use the RS232 feature, you need to get into a back door menu and enable it. Below is the method...
  1. Get yourself a Samsung TV remote with a full compliment of buttons (numbers, navigation, menu, etc...)
  2. Disconnect the HDMI or switch away to the "TV" input.
  3. Power off the set and wait 60 seconds.
  4. Press Mute, 1, 8, 2, power in rapid succession. This is hard to do and I had 16 TVs to do so I took an RTI remote and programmed this sequence into a direct IR remote with .1 seconds between each command.
  5. A blue background service menu comes up.
  6. Select "Sub Option"
  7. Locate the RS-232 Jack Settings: Set to UART
  8. Turn on EXT Link Support
  9. Turn on USB Serial.
  10. It was not specified to do so but I also enabled 232 logging and fast booting.
  11. Exit to first menu
  12. Power Off
  13. Wait for 30 seconds or so.
  14. Power On
  15. Disable HDMI-CEC
  16. Power Off
  17. Plug in USB adapter and plug in serial connection.
  18. Power On
I had one thing catch me by surprise... when the TV firmware was updated it turned off some of the settings (esp. EXT link Support) and when the TV powered down fully (about a minute after turning off), it would stop communicating. I had to go back in and re-enable the settings. As a result, I turned off Auto Update to prevent any further surprises.

I hope this helps.

Last edited by tgrugett on September 14, 2017 20:57.
OP | Post 10 made on Monday September 18, 2017 at 18:46
Curtis Brabham
Lurking Member
August 2017
I want to make sure I understand what you said. You mentioned the MU6000's, not MU6300. Do your TV's have the Ex-Link port? The MU6300's do not.

If you are, in fact, using an adapter in the USB port on the TV, can you post a picture of said adapter?

Edit: I just read your other post where you said you are using an adapter in the USB port. A picture of the adapter would be much appreciated. It's something that I can send to my supplier so they can get us a quote.
Post 11 made on Wednesday September 27, 2017 at 18:03
Lurking Member
September 2017
Many thanks for posting all this info. Please can you provide details on cable that goes from usb port on tv to serial port on computer. A picture would be great.
Post 12 made on Wednesday September 27, 2017 at 22:58
Select Member
August 2004
To be clear.... the adaptor is 3 pin mini jack to USB.

There is no cable. You must adapt from whatever your control system outputs (mini-jack, DB9, screw terminal, etc... to a 3 pin mini jack.
Post 13 made on Wednesday September 27, 2017 at 22:59
Select Member
August 2004
On September 18, 2017 at 18:46, Curtis Brabham said...
I want to make sure I understand what you said. You mentioned the MU6000's, not MU6300. Do your TV's have the Ex-Link port? The MU6300's do not.

If you are, in fact, using an adapter in the USB port on the TV, can you post a picture of said adapter?

Edit: I just read your other post where you said you are using an adapter in the USB port. A picture of the adapter would be much appreciated. It's something that I can send to my supplier so they can get us a quote.

PM Sent
Post 14 made on Wednesday September 27, 2017 at 23:05
Select Member
August 2004
On another note... to more easily access the back door menu, I programmed a universal remote to rapidly execute the button sequence. You must execute the presses quickly... so quick that it can be difficult to do. I programmed the codes with a .1 sec delay between each code. It did not work with a .3 sec delay. Also, if you have an HDMI source plugged into the TV I recommend switching over to the TV input before attempting this because when the TV powers up, the HDMI chatter interrupts the back door menu process and kicks you out of it.
OP | Post 15 made on Thursday September 28, 2017 at 19:03
Curtis Brabham
Lurking Member
August 2017
Thank you! It literally looks like a USB to Ex-Link dongle. We already have the 3.5mm to DB9 cables for an Ex-Link connection, so the dongle is all we need at this point.

And yes, we've definitely found that you have to enter the code very quickly to get into the service menu.
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