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Samsung 3D LED C8000 series control
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Post 1 made on Monday May 3, 2010 at 20:28
Lurking Member
September 2005
--- I've moved this from the CI Lounge Forum as it makes more sense here... ---


I've just been looking through the specs for the new series 8 3D LED TVs from Samsung and it does not appear as if there is any EXLink port for RS232 control. I know they have no 9 pin D-SUB connector but most previous screens have had a ExLink connector.

They do support Anynet+ control but that is over CEC on HDMI and therefore of little benefit on the CI side.

It seems a real shame that it looks like the only way of controlling these will be using IR with a bug on the front :-(

Does anyone know if there is an ExLink connector or even if Samsung have finally provided an IP based integration capability?

Many thanks

Post 2 made on Friday January 21, 2011 at 09:05
Lurking Member
February 2010
Yes thats the same quetion I've been tasked with at work here,
there is this app

does seem to work with the UE40C7700 though seems to be programmed to work with the B650

Were trying to find an IP control app and integrate it into a Crestron system
Any help anyone?
Post 3 made on Friday January 21, 2011 at 10:44
Super Member
August 2008
ive been using LG for their RS232 .. works great.
pioneer elite's over IP recently as well which was amazing.

looking forward to any modern set with true supported IP control.
im hoping/thinking LG and Panasonic might be the first to join..
Post 4 made on Monday January 24, 2011 at 14:55
Long Time Member
September 2008
How do I upload pictures?

Samsung TV’s can be controlled via RS232 by connecting to the Ex-Link port (Note: if the TV does not have an Ex-Link port, it does not support RS232).
The Ex-Link port is a 3.5mm 3 point connection.

Although there is both a Tx and Rx line, control data can only be sent to the TV. There is no support for status.
The following work book outlines the structure of the Samsung coding, connector pin-out for Ex-Link, testing application and a copy of supported coding.

Do not change Byte 1 and Byte 2 as they are fixed value
Bytes 3 through 6 are the command bytes (see slides 4 through 7)
Byte 7 (check sum) is the two’s complement of Byte 1 through 6 (see slide 3)
Byte 3 = ‘0x4’ Channel Direct Tuning:

Byte 4 = selects between DTV and ATV (select ‘0080’ for DTV)

Byte 5 = major channel in DTV multiplied by 4
(i.e. if major channel is 4, Byte 5 = 4 * 4 = 16 = 10 in hex. Byte = ‘0x10’)

Byte 6 = minor channel (i.e. channel 4-2 Byte 6 = ‘0x2’)

Example: To direct tune Channel 4-2:         
The 7 byte structure would be:
0x8 0x22 0x4 0x80 0x10 0x2 0x40
Post 5 made on Tuesday April 19, 2011 at 15:34
Lurking Member
April 2011
I have the PN50C6500 plasma, a 2010 Samsung model. It has the EX-Link port as well, and I've got a Crestron system. I'd like to control my plasma via RS-232, and I am a Crestron programmer. I've tried a variety of syntax and strings found on here and the Crestron Yahoo forums, with no luck. Can someone give me one or two syntax examples of serial strings that have been used successfully? I can write it into a module, or just use SerialIO, doesn't matter to me. Thank you!
Post 6 made on Wednesday April 20, 2011 at 01:26
Long Time Member
October 2005
you have to go into the service menus and turn on hotel mode for the exlink jack to work with rs232
Post 7 made on Saturday November 26, 2011 at 17:40
Long Time Member
April 2011
Does one have to just turn on hotel mode, or is it that once hotel mode is active, there is another option to turn on UART? I'm confused about this as my 2011 Samsung has hotel mode on but won't respond to anything.
Post 8 made on Saturday May 5, 2012 at 13:48
Audible Solutions
Super Member
March 2004
A. Crestron just came out with a Samsung serial macro
B. Rumor has it that Samsung and a few other display manufacturers are working with Crestron to implement usable basic CEC commands. Given all the bad things HDMI brings--HDCP, to name one--why not take advantage of one of its few benefits? It ought to be incumbent on HDMI solutions manufacturers to provide some way to trigger CEC commands. Compliance with the basic CEC command set is required by HDMI group in order to display the logo. For this sku that may be very useful.
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